Notification that you will be logged out

Prompt Support Updated by Prompt Support

How to enable notifications

Your desktop notifications will need to be enabled in order for browser notifications to work. If you need assistance enabling your desktop notifications, we would encourage you to reach out to your internal IT team.

Currently if a user is idle for 1 hour, they will be logged out. A browser notification will appear if the website is open in the background or in another tab informing the user they will be logged out of Prompt in x minutes. This will appear 10 minutes, 5 minutes and then 1 minute before they are logged out.

Notifications require that the user gives permission to the browser for Prompt to show notifications.

After a user has logged in, a popup will appear informing the user that Prompt will log them out after an hour, but they can get reminders if they grant Prompt permission.

This popup is only shown once. And they will not be invited to give their permission again.

If the user clicks 'Yes', then they then be presented with the actual permission request from the browser.

If they click 'block', permission will be denied in the browser (or 'No' when invited by the popup), and time-out notifications will not be shown.

What if I'm not receiving notifications?

If you decline by accident, then you will need to clear your browser cache settings and the next time you login, the popup will reappear.

If you have already blocked permissions from your browser, then 'Notifications blocked' may appear in the URL bar.

Click on 'Notifications blocked, then select 'Allow for this site' to enable the notifications.

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