How users access Prompt offsite by generating their own mobile token

Prompt Support Updated by Prompt Support

The preferred method would be to login with a General User account. If you are a Prompt Admin or Admin, please follow this guide: Setting up a General User account

Option 1 - General Users with log-in credentials

  1. Using Google Chrome browser, on your computer or mobile device search;
  2. In the log-in screen, simply enter your work email address and password.

Expired password - Enter your work email address, click on Reset Password. A link will be sent to the user's email address and it can be used to update your password. The user has 24 hours in which to set up their account using this access token.

Option 2 – General Users without log-in credentials

  1. Using Google Chrome browser, on your smart phone or tablet (must use lower resolution devices such as IPAD, Samsung Galaxy) search
  1. Enter your work email address, (requires access to work emails remotely)
  2. Click ‘Send Access Token’
  3. You will receive an email with a token, click the token URL to take you to your organisation’s search engine.

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