How document versions work

Prompt Support Updated by Prompt Support

Permissions Required: Prompt Admin, Admin, Document Owner, Document Author to modify. All users to read version history.

Document versions within Prompt are updated based upon the current status, and the checkout reason. New and existing documents follow the same process and rules, but start at different points.

A version is made up of major and minor versions. The major version is the first number, the minor is the second number after the point.

Version 4.0 - 4 is the major version, 0 is the minor version.

Documents with a minor version of zero (0) should have gone through a review process, whereas document with any other minor version should be able to be trusted that any changes from the review are minor change such as formatting or correctly spelling mistakes.

New Documents

Adding/Drafting Documents

When you initially Add a document, it is given version 0.1

When you check the document in, the document becomes version 1.0

Copied Documents

When you copy a document from another organisation, it is initially given a version of 0.1 in your organisation.

When you check the document in, the document becomes version 1.0

Existing Documents


If a document is checked out for Review, then upon check-in, the major version increments, and the minor version is set to 0.

Example: A document version 2.0 is checked out for it's annual review. Upon completion of the review, and subsequent check-in, the document is upgraded to version 3.0.

Change / Formatting

If a document is checked out for Change or Formatting, the minor version is incremented by one, and the major version stays the same.

Example: A document version 2.0 is found to have a paragraph in the wrong font. It is checked out for Formatting and then checked back in, the document is upgraded to version 2.1.

Reactivating old documents

Reactivating an old document will increase the major version by one, and set the minor version to 0.

How did we do?

How to set an Implementation Date

How to Check-In a document
