Incorrect / Missing Font in converted PDF file

Prompt Support Updated by Prompt Support

Sometimes the font of the converted PDF file is not the font in the related original Word  file.  This is most commonly due to the font being a custom font, and not being stored inside the original Word document.

Your font must be a licensed, true type font to embed. (See bottom of this article for more info)

How to Embed a font

To include the font in the word file so the Prompt PDF conversion system can use it, simply update the Word document options.

From within Word, click File, then Options at the bottom of the screen.

In the Word Options dialog, click the Save menu option on the left

In the Save Settings page, scroll down to Preserve fidelity when sharing this document section

Tick the Embed fonts in this file checkbox (also ensure the Do not embed common system fonts is checked to reduce the overall file size)

Click OK to close the options dialog

Save the file, and re-upload to Prompt.

The system will now be able to use the font within the PDF, and convert it correctly.

Licensed Fonts

Like most commercially designed artworks, Fonts are subject to copyright and licensing. Just because you have and can see the font, does not mean you have the right to embed or distribute it. Office applications respect these licenses & copyrights, and will not embed fonts that are not licensed to do so.

To embed, and allow our system to access a licensed font, you must hold a commercial license for the font which allows for access which is not restricted and embeddable. Most font designers allow embedding when you purchase the license, but it is best to check with them.

To tell what level of font and access you have, you can check the license of the font in Windows. You may want to check with your IT and/or marketing teams for more information about the font you are attempting to use.

There are four permissions of font embeddability – installable, editable, print/preview and restricted.

  • Installable - Allows fonts to be embedded in the document and installed permanently in the computer.
  • Editable - Allows fonts to be embedded in the document but only installs fonts temporarily in the system.
  • Print and Preview Only - Allows fonts to be embedded in the document but only installs fonts temporarily in the system for printing purposes.
  • Restricted - Font cannot be embedded in a document.

Windows 7 - You can right-click on the font (usually in c:\windows\fonts) and select Properties. Under the details tab will show the permissions.

Windows 10 - Browse to the fonts folder (usually c:\windows\fonts) and change the view to details, and the Font embeddability will be shown

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