How to Check-In a document

Prompt Support Updated by Prompt Support

Permissions Required: Prompt Admin or Document Author 

Check-in is the process to update and activate a document in Prompt. First, you need to verify the document is Checked-Out (How to check-out a document), then select the Check-In button.

The Check-In Document window will open

If the document was checked-out for Review you will need to set the review cycle settings.

Check-in for Review

Check-In for Change or Formatting

The document name is automatically populated with the current document title, it is possible to change the document change if required.

By default, the current version will be displayed in Upload File. If you wish to upload a new document, remove the current document by selecting the X button, then drag a file into the grey box or select Browse Files to open a window to locate a file in your computer. 

To appropriately notify Document Owners and Users 'watching' this document, Select Priority indicating the significance of the change.

If the document was checked-out for Review, the settings for the next review cycle will automatically populate with the default review settings of the location the document belongs. It may also be manually overwritten.

  • Next Review Date - This field will be calculated automatically using today’s date and the review monthly frequency. It may also be manually overwritten.
  • Review Monthly Frequency - Optional field which may be used to change the monthly review frequency, after the next review specified in Next Review Date.

If the document was checked-out for Change or Formatting, you may update the change type before checking-in the document.

  • Content - Change the content without updating it's review cycle.
  • Formatting - Minor changes such as formatting. This will not update it's review cycle or require additional approvals.
The check-in reason event is recorded in the Document History for auditing purposes.

Change comments are used to indicate the nature of the change and recorded in the Document History for auditing.

The Document Settings are optional settings:

  • Don't Convert to PDF
  • Don't Convert to Footer Tags - Document tags in this document will not be converted
  • Keep Document Private - The document will not be searchable for users of other organisations. As Prompt encourages information sharing, this option is recommended to be used only for documents containing confidential information.

Select Check-In Document to complete.

The document is sent to the conversion process where it will be converted to PDF, it's footer tags converted and a screenshot taken to enable preview of the document, when the mouse hovers over it's icon in the document list. This process could take a couple of minutes and once completed your new document will be available.

How did we do?

How document versions work

How to Approve or Reject a Document
