Frequently Asked Questions

Business Continuity Plan/DR - Prompt suggestion

As the Prompt application is developed & hosted natively upon Amazon Web Services, it is always available so long as the internet is accessible.  If needed, a Prompt Administrator is able to access Prompt outside of the organisation and download reports as required.

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What Footer Tags are available in Prompt?

The following tags can be inserted into a document, and PROMPT will automatically replace them on conversion.

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Prompt Terms and Definitions

Getting to know some commonly used terms and definitions for features within Prompt Accreditation/standards. Prompt allows you to tag your documents against health care accreditation standards. We ca…


Password Reset / Expiry

To activate a new User or reset a password go to Admin > Manage Users > Edit User > Send Reset Token. The Password Reset Token expires after 24 hours.

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Incorrect / Missing Font in converted PDF file

Sometimes the font of the converted PDF file is not the font in the related original Word file. This is most commonly due to the font being a custom font.

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Who is Lucas Victoria?

Lucas is one of our technicians who proactively checks documents on a regular basis, to ensure the footer tags have updated correctly and the document will download successfully.

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Checking-in a Document - Where does my document go when I check it in?

Overview of what happens with documents once checked in.

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How to assign my Prompt Admin role to another Admin?

Your existing Prompt Admin position will be downgraded to Admin in order to designate another user to take your place. Please contact PROMPT Support to have this procedure expedited.

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Username - Why doesn't my old Prompt user name work?

For General users, Prompt requires you to use your full email address and password as your login. For anonymous users, An anonymous user is given a "URL address" to access Prompt, and they do not nee…

Prompt Support
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Email - Auto-generated email notification signature - I don't want my name on them

The auto-generated email notification has the Prompt Admin role's display name as the signature. If you would prefer this to be generic, change the display name for the Prompt Admin role.

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Permissions Required : Prompt Admin. Notifications are sent to users of Prompt primarily via Email. On the Notification Screen ( Admin > Notification Settings ) you can adjust the settings of who get…

Prompt Support
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How many administrators can be added to an account?

An organisation can only have one Prompt Admin set, but they can have as many Admin accounts as they need. The goal of the extra Administrator function is to share the Prompt Admin's workload and res…

Prompt Support
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Which document types are supported in PROMPT?

PROMPT allows you to upload any type of document and complete the review process, however, only Microsoft Office documents and PDF's allow conversation to PDF and implementing Footer Tags.

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Which browser is best to use?

While Prompt supports most modern browsers, Google Chrome is required for administration in Prompt. Chrome will give you the best user experience.

Prompt Support
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Do users need to log into PROMPT with a username and password?

Access levels can be set up to provide specific staff with either general access or administrative privileges.

Prompt Support
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MFA – What happens if I have lost my smartphone or left it at home?

Be design, losing your device with the MFA codes usually means you need to reset and reconfigure the system to enforce security. If you lose your device, contact your IT team and advise them immediately.

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Chrome settings - How to change to enhance Prompt usability?

Chrome settings for enhanced Prompt usability.

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Is there a cost for PROMPT?

Yes, the PROMPT software licence agreement is for an initial term of 3 years.

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Approving a Document - Why can't I see the document I need to approve in the Home Tab?

When a document is checked in, it will follow the Approval Process set by the organisation at the Section or Department level the document sits in.

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What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is an authentication method that requires the user to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to a resource.

Prompt Support
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Why do I get a Change Your Password page when I sign in?

All users in Prompt, excluding Anonymous users, are subject to a 60-day password expiration. After 60-days when you next sign in you will be presented with the below Change your password page: After…

Prompt Support
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User Permissions - How do I add or change user permissions?

Details on how to add or update user permissions.

Prompt Support
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How is Prompt's development work handled?

Development Process. We follow the Agile methodology for our development cycles. This is an iterative process of selecting pieces of work each cycle, and working through to completion and release. Th…

Prompt Support
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Prompt Documents Support Hours

Support centre is available Mon-Fri, 8:30am to 5:00pm AEST.

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What training and support is available for the implementation of PROMPT?

Once you have decided to take up PROMPT, your primary administrator will participate in administrator training.

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Why can't I edit the Agency Admin account?

Agency Admin is a workaround we are using to give more than one user full administration rights in Prompt.

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Notification that you will be logged out

How to enable notifications. Your desktop notifications will need to be enabled in order for browser notifications to work. If you need assistance enabling your desktop notifications, we would encour…

Prompt Support
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Document Review Date - Why can't I change the Review Date when checking in a document?

To change the Review Date when checking in a document, the document must first have been checked out with Review selected as the reason.

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Bulk Move Documents - How do I bulk move documents?

The Bulk Move tab allows you to move all documents from one section to another or change all document types to another.

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Audit - Full audit does not show full history of document

The full history of the document is available in the History tab in the document information.

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Working Offsite - Why does anonymous user link go to log-in page

The Anonymous User URL is IP driven therefore if you are working offsite, the anonymous user will need to be logged in remotely to your organisation.

Prompt Support
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Document ID - Why have my document IDs changed in the new Prompt?

Legacy Prompt assigned document IDs according to an organisations prefix and number of documents. Prompt v3 enforces unique document numbers for all documents across the system.

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Is PROMPT endorsed by the Department of Health?

The Health Department invited a solution that would help smaller hospitals obtain and maintain clinical guidelines and that would ensure that these were readily available, up to date and consistent with those in larger institutions.

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Log-in Screen - Why do I get the log-in screen when I click on the anonymous user link?

If there is any issue with logging in as the Organisation Anonymous user, you will be presented with the standard login screen.

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