Document ID - Why have my document IDs changed in the new Prompt?

Prompt Support Updated by Prompt Support

Legacy Prompt assigned document IDs according to an organisations prefix and number of documents.

For example:

Northern Health has a prefix of NHS where their documents will begin at NHS0000001 to NHS0000XXX (number of documents in their organisation)

Sunraysia Community Health has a prefix of SCH where their documents will begin at SCH0000001 to SCH0000XXX (number of documents in their organisation)


Although these numbers are unique to the organisation they are not unique in legacy Prompt therefore when a document is re-processed in new Prompt, a new unique document ID is assigned to the document.

These document IDs are assigned to a document in sequential order, according to all documents in new Prompt.

For example:

Northern Health will now have documents that still have a prefix of NHS but the numbers are no longer starting at 1, they are assigned the next sequential number in the whole Prompt system such as NHS0000497 vx.


Should you require the original document IDs, we are more than happy to run a document register report from legacy Prompt as reference.

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