How to populate footer tags?

Prompt Support Updated by Prompt Support

INFO SHEET: Populating footer tags for Word documents

When adding a new document or checking in a new version of an existing document, the Add Document screen will show an optional checkbox when “Don’t convert to PDF” is ticked. This optional checkbox is -

  • Don’t convert footer tags

This means, for documents you wish to remain as Microsoft Word documents, there is a choice as to whether to convert footer tags or not.

Please see screenshot of the Add Document screen and the new checkbox below –

Using the new checkbox


Don’t convert footer tags: Unticked

If you wish to check-in a document to display in PROMPT in Word format but to convert the footer tags, please leave unticked the “Don’t convert to footer tags” checkbox -

In this case, your Word document will show footer tags converted e.g. <#doc_num.> for this document would be converted to PMP0000167. This means that you may have meaningful footer tag information on Word documents such as Forms.


Don’t convert footer tags: Ticked


If you wish to check-in a document to display in PROMPT in Word format but to show the original footer tags, please tick the “Don’t convert to footer tags” checkbox -


In the example above, the Word document will display footer tags only in their original format e.g.  <#review_date.> and <#doc_num.>. This is perfect for Templates.

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